Motivation in a Pill

What is it about driven people that makes them motivated?

I like when people make realistic goals. One customer told me he knew what needed to be done for his health, but he just needed the motivation.

“Do you have a pill for that?” he asked. I chuckled.

Oh crap, he was being serious.

Motivation is difficult for things we should do.

I am no master of motivation. Even though I consistently eat healthy foods and work out my body, there are still many other duties in life. I typically realize when I’m putting something important off if my inner dialogue goes like this, “I should be doing that.”

Maybe we can stop thinking about it, and just do it. When it comes to health and fitness, actions matter most.

What motivates me?

My personal health and fitness is one of the biggest accomplishments I have to show for myself. I have spent countless hours learning how to manipulate my diet, movement patterns, and routines so that I could apply that knowledge to daily habits.

Once you truly experience how fitness is so life changing, I don’t think you ever lose it. My dedication comes in waves, peaking when I have specific goals, and decreasing in times of luxury. The holidays killed my perfect eating, but I’ll be back at it — eating clean and getting lean in no time.

You gotta want it

Pause for a moment and think about where you would imagine your body in fitness and health. Chiseled abs? Perfect thighs? If you spend time thinking about it, you may attract the end results — but only by setting goals to realistically achieve it.

Thoughts rule us…

  • What small activity can you do now to eat healthier?
  • Is there a particular habit that holds you back?
  • Do you ever feel down about your body — what are you thinking when you feel down about yourself?
  • Can you think of positive counter-examples to negative thoughts?
  • What is it about my lifestyle that is holding me back right now?

I used to think that I’d never gain any muscle. Now people seek out my advice for themselves.

I’m not saying that anything is possible, but if you want to reach peak performance, health and fitness is a good place to focus on.
