Why Bodyweight Training is Essential for Fitness

Bodyweight exercise has existed before any other kind.

Whether humans were running along the fertile ground near rivers or performing feats of strength as ritual, the ability to have control over one’s body is more human than any other training.

These guys didn’t wake up one day and do a handstand… no — they trained for it.

Rediscover the benefits of bodyweight exercise

  • Exercise in a natural range of motion
  • Metabolic boosts, calorie burning
  • Improved recovery capacity and less stress on the central nervous system
  • Typically supports joint health and muscles which stabilize the joint
  • Lean muscle tone

Why don’t more people do bodyweight training?

Even though there are many subcultures of fitness which are entirely dedicated to bodyweight training, the truth is that most people have a failure to appreciate the difficulty of bodyweight exercises.

The Planche is a static hold requiring tension throughout the entire body. This is an advanced position requiring many months of progression and exercises as well as a lean physique with low body fat.

The result, however, is an incredibly fit individual. This is just an example of how bodyweight exercises can increase in difficulty by changing the levers of the exercise. What was once a push up position now supports the entire body in the air.

The cons of bodyweight exercise

Gaining the strength, skill, coordination to perform advanced variations is difficult enough. Moreover, most people simply don’t have the physique (at this point in time) to be able to perform advanced exercises.

So most people are forced to begin with simple variations on bodyweight exercises and they feel very humbled by how much trouble they have. Instead of doing bodyweight exercises, many gym-goers go off and use implements such as dumbbells and machines. People with large body mass or people with significant excess body fat will have difficulty performing bodyweight exercises.

“Older” guys can do it too. Jack Lalane showing his fingertip push up skills.

On the flip side, people with very LOW body mass (skinny people) may have more trouble building muscle mass from bodyweight exercises alone because their bodies are not forced to move as much weight. For example, if a 130 pound guy does 20 chin ups, versus a 200 pound guy who does 15 chin ups — who do you think will have bigger arms and back as a result of chin up practice? Most likely the larger guy.

Embrace the challenge

This man realized the benefits of bodyweight training in association with weighted implement training.

The more I learn about the human body, the more I realize that bodyweight exercises should be foundational and not supplemental. The joint health benefits alone are significant enough, and then you should also remember the coordination and functional benefits as well.

Physical Fitness by Dre

Natural Health and Muscle Recovery Secrets

For all of those who possess a passion for real training.

Even if I wasn’t in the gym, I would make time to train. Real training results in physical and mental empowerment. The beauty is in it’s simplicity.

Learn skills. And,

Develop precision and power.

Motivation to train is inherent. Physical recovery far supersedes the time spent training and involves everything from meal planning to quality sleep and hormonal balance. Here are some tips from the natural side of things.

Top 3: Recover from Exercise/Physical Activity:

1. Ginger

Inflammation can be chronic or acute. Either way, you want a tried and true ally on your side. Ginger’s effect on inflammation is based on strong evidence and more than a millennium of wisdom. Additional gut health benefits.

Root power

2. Turmeric

Supporters of Turmeric may question why ginger is ranked number 1 on my list and that’s me being partial to the benefits fresh juiced ginger. Turmeric is likely a more powerful COX-2 inhibitor and has been shown to induce apoptosis/destruction of harmful cells.

Powerful Powder of Turmeric

3. Cherries

Cherries are more much more than the pits! This berry has unique antioxidants which may have detox effects on the joint while promoting healthy inflammation. The antioxidants in cherries help process uric acid and flush the joint structures of excessive inflammatory compounds. Meanwhile, natural sugars refuel muscle glycogen and support repair process of lean tissue.

Good things come in packages like this.

Recovery from exercise, anti-aging?

To some people anti-aging is a broad marketing term, but in reality anti-aging is all about promoting healthy, efficient processes in the body.  Physical activity should invigorate people. Their bodies ought to return with increased capacity and ability.

Tip: Recovery methods are most effective within 30 minutes of exercise so utilize that time window!

Nutrition, Immunity, and Digestion