Mushrooms may actually be more than fungible.

I believe that mushrooms can contribute a great deal to humanity’s progress. I think that if we are to create a legitimate space force moon-base and want to travel to other parts of the universe, then mushrooms can play a role in such an advancement.

The future and the present greatly rely upon both ancient and innovative nutrition. 

Disclaimer: This is information is for educational purposes and not intended to treat or cure any disease since you are a person reading from anywhere in the world.

May have strong anti-fungal benefits against undesirable overgrowing of candida and yeasts in the body.

Culinary and medicinal mushrooms may actually have anti-fungal properties against other opportunistic and undesirable in large amounts fungus like candida. This is not to say that mushrooms alone will solve the problem alone because lifestyle is important.

Basically though, mushrooms contain a multitude of nutrients that help the immune system like no other.

Blood sugar support and fat loss.

My favorite benefit of mushrooms might just be how well they support fat loss in my experience and others. Even others coaches at OTF have been drinking mushrooms and experiencing the benefits (shoutout Coach Bobby drinking mushrooms at OTF!).

There are nutrients that may promote healthy normal function of the liver, kidney, and more. This promotes normal, healthy detoxification processes and of course the opportunity to allow the fat cells to reduce their energy through their own enzymatic mechanisms. In other words, metabolic processes are supported and that may give some impetus to fat cells to release adiponectin, the fat burning hormone.

These compounds exhibit their antidiabetic activity via different mechanisms. This article presents… the efficacy and mechanism of medicinal mushrooms for glucose control in diabetes, including the inhibition of glucose absorption, protection of beta-cell damage, increase of insulin release, enhancement of antioxidant defense, attenuation of inflammation, modulation of carbohydrate metabolism pathway, and regulation of insulin-dependent and insulin-independent signaling pathways.

Mushroom powders and extracts are especially great for anybody doing intermittent fasting and who want to promote liver function.

Are you interested in mushrooms like chaga?

Extremely powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory components, anti-aging benefits.

Mushrooms often contain fibers that are unique, which are fermented by the gut microbiome, which then, “learns,” from the wisdom of the mushroom. I love that mushrooms grow in the ground and trees. Mushrooms have been around for over 600,000 million years. In comparison, recognizable humans are said to have be only 1-3 million years on this planet.

Because mushrooms must process the living or decaying material without the benefit of sunlight as energy, they have evolved strong systems which interact with bacteria, viruses, and other fungal species.

Some of the most amazing mushrooms live on birch trees and are wild harvested in Maine as well as in the Siberian Forest. Truly a gem of nutrition, something most people will never realize what how much they missed out on.

I’ve used this chaga and it is pretty good. You can check the current price at

Evolve bacteria in your gut to fight disease of modern times.

Something strange inside me clicked this year after I read about how bacterial species can evolve (transfer genetic information laterally) in hours responding to that which is ingested or exposed to.

Lateral gene transfer is evolution real-time.

My goal is to absorb a wide variety of ancient genetic information from plants and healthy living things.

I believe that if I evolve my gut, then I can prevent the common sickness and exist with passion well into my 90’s. I aspire to be an example for others even though I struggle at times.

We should strive for variety in our nutrition, especially plant variety.

How many fresh foods have you neglected or literally never even tried? What if you changed that?

If all else fails, we still have chaga.

I hope you enjoyed this article about mushrooms. I love mushrooms the same way I love you, just as you are. Can you find some inspiration here?

Credit: Saara Alhopuro

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