Fitness Guru Turns 95, and so can You!

A man who lives life with vision, strength, and passion is inspiring.

Godfather of Fitness, Jack Lalanne

"Godfather" of Fitness, Jack Lalanne

Fitness pioneer and long-time guru, Jack Lalanne, just turned 95 years old and seems to be still educating and motivating people to take control of their own health and fitness. For anecdotal evidence on the benefits of fitness and nutrition, look no further than Jack Lalanne’s long life — full of vitality.

Exercise is king, nutrition is queen, put them together and you have a kingdom!”

He’s a visionary, an adept salesman, a motivator, and a man who practices what he preaches. From a lifestyle of physical fitness and healthy nutrition, he maintains vitality at 95 years of age.

As an inspiration for my own career, and for my own personal health and wellbeing, I dedicate this blog post to Jack Lalanne — the Godfather of Fitness.

You probably recognize him more like this.

You probably recognize him more like this.

Jack Lalanne, passion and a life worth living.

Jack Lalanne, passion and a life still worth living.

Thank you for your innovations in the field of fitness, and for inspiration of a legacy that continues to benefit people.

Physical Fitness by Dre