Beware the Skin Tag: Diet may Heal and Prevent Skin Tags

Skin Tags are benign skin growths that look like a piece of hanging skin.

As my customer handed me $40 cash at the register, I noticed his hands were plastered with little skin tags. Upon closer inspection of his face and his wife’s face, it became clear that the hands were not the only areas affected.

skintagsssSkin Tags resemble little moles hanging out from the surface and can occur in anybody. Typically, people get more skin tags as they age, but from talking to customers, it seems that the actual state of health will greatly affect the occurrence of skin tags.

Are skin tags an external “marker” for internal health?

Several months ago, a gentlemen visited the store looking for products to kill parasites and candida. Within the past year, he had been struck by a serious parasite and hospitalized. Doctors pumped him full of powerful drugs and antibacterials in an effort to destroy the parasites.

In only a few months, his weight exploded by 50 pounds and his health deteriorated. Interestingly, he also gained many dozens of skin tags over his face and body during this period. Could there be a link?

How do we prevent Skin Tags?

We know that people with Type II Diabetes are more at risk for acquiring Skin Tags, and we also believe that blood sugar levels relate to diabetes. So it seems that sugar is one of the main causes of skin conditions like acne and Skin Tags. The first step to preventing Skin Tags is cutting out sugar in the diet. You can do it!

Next, we need to improve the fatty acid balance in the body. In particular, decrease saturated fat from animal oils and increase unsaturated fat from fish oils. For example, replace fast food with a homemade meal of baked salmon with vegetables.

Aside from eating a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables, the final ingredient in Skin Tag prevention should have to do with the balance of internal flora AKA Gut Health. According to the research, beneficial bacteria known as Probiotics improve both the immune system and digestion. Consuming fermented foods such as Yogurt, Kefir, and Kimchi can vastly improve the digestive and immune systems. If these foods are not available, then a Probiotic Supplement may help restore healthy internal flora.

All inclusive SuperFood formula with herbs, detox, probiotics, and more. A personal favorite!

All inclusive SuperFood formula with herbs, detox, probiotics, and more. A personal favorite!

Destroying current Skin Tags

The doctors would use nitrogen and chemicals to freeze those suckers off, but without improving diet, they will probably just come right back.

The first step is to fix your diet. Following a diet change, there are many suggested natural remedies for skin tags. Some people suggest using Apple Cider Vinegar, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oil of Oregano, and other natural supplements. I have not tested these methods and cannot assure that they work, but I do believe in the healing powers of herbs so it may be possible.

Skin Tags are a vital signal.

If you start noticing more skin tags, consider how the rest of your body is doing. How is your digestion? Are you lacking energy? What is different now?

Realize that healthy nutrition is the only pathway to peak performance. Skin Tags may be your body telling you it’s time to get a tune up with healthy foods and natural remedies.


No skin tags baby! Let’s be real though, this is obviously photo shopped!

Nutrition, Immunity, and Digestion