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Getting FIT with Walking

Maria stopped to ask me, not for directions, but whether walking can actually get her Fit.

Walk to fitness!

Does your Body Move?


For the average person, walking will burn 200-300 calories per hour and guess where the energy comes from?

Glorious, glorious Fat reserves. Since the body moves at a slow enough rate while walking, it can utilize the fat stored on your body.

If you live in an Urban environment, you are probably already walking an hour a day — walking still gives you the benefits even if it’s spread out through the day.

How To Use Walking To Get FIT:

Yes, more intense activities will give you more bang-for-your-buck, but walking is unique.

Incorporate walking as part of a lifestyle and you can burn REAL calories without breaking a sweat.

Sweet deal, friend.

You’re looking better already.

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