Mobility Log #1: Effective Quad Stretch on Foam Roller

Most people benefit from healthy muscle tissue in the quadriceps.

If you’re going to stretch, there’s no point in half-arsing it. Make it a quality stretch, take the time to do it and you will reap the benefits for injury prevention, recovery, and mobility.

Quite frankly, you feel better when you aren’t bogged down by tight muscles everywhere.

Potent Quadriceps stretch with simultaneous Foam Rolling action

Stay tuned for more mobility improvements

Physical Fitness by Dre

What REALLY causes Joint, Lower Back and Shoulder pain?

The root of the problem is always the most important.

If the problem doesn’t get fixed, you may require major joint surgery down the line.

Our bodies are completely interconnected through dynamic movement.

Let’s take the activity of walking as an example. At your first step, the way your foot lands will determine how your knee compensates for balance. If your foot lands at a kinetic disadvantage at each step for 1,000 steps, then your kneecap may track inefficiently over the knee joint — scraping your cartilage and connective tissue into deterioration.

If the knees continue to be messed up from poor walking form, the pain will relate higher up on the chain. Your hips may be stiff, and the front muscle at the knee may become weak or even inactive.

Tight hips can cause your back to have an excessive arch — known as lordosis.

Leaning back might not be the best idea

Leaning back might not be the best idea

People who have lordosis of the spine typically have ‘inactive’ glute or butt muscles. Inactive glutes generally lead to improper lifting form (especially lifting from the ground) and can lead to serious lower back injury.

Moving on…since the spine is shaped in an S curve, then the curve at the bottom will largely determine the curve at the top. That means your shoulders could become hunched over, and now you’re at risk for shoulder joint degeneration and back pain from your upper back to your lower back.

Continuing the chain, if you have shoulder dysfunction, it can contribute stress on the elbow joint — increasing your risk of tendinosis like Tennis elbow, or even permanent damage.

You CAN Protect your Joints for Life

  • Exercise each muscle group equally. If you work out your chest, you BETTER be working out your back too. If you don’t keep your body in balance, your body will assume faulty recruitment patterns and lead to joint degeneration.
  • Stretch your tight muscles, strengthen your weak muscles. Most weight lifters don’t like to stretch. Heck, a lot of people can get away with NOT stretching…but do you want to take the risk (especially if you’re already in pain)?
  • Foam roll your muscles for active Myofascia Release. The idea behind this is to roll out the scar tissue in the muscle, and to stretch the fascia — which covers your entire body.
  • Lose weight. Obese people generally put FAR too much stress on their joints — leading to complications much sooner than general population.

This is information that every person should be aware of. A little anatomy goes a long way…

Stay healthy, all.

Physical Fitness by Dre