Structure of an Elite Personal Training Workout

The structure of a training session may be as follows:

  1. Dynamic Warm Up 10-mins
  2. Power/Skill Development 5-mins
  3. Strength 20-mins
  4. Functional Hypertrophy 15-mins
  5. Metabolic Conditioning 5-mins
  6. Recovery Cool Down 5-mins

You can structure your own workouts like this:

  1. Dynamic Warm-Up (10 minutes): The initial phase involves progressively practicing movement patterns that you will be training during the main workout. It’s crucial for preparing your muscles and joints, enhancing flexibility, which significantly reduces risk of injury. By practicing similar movements which you’ll perform later, your body becomes more efficient during the session.
  2. Power/Skill Development (5 minutes): After the warm-up, this portion of your workout focuses on fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are essential for power, speed, and supporting healthy aging. By utilizing short, intense bursts of intentioned movement, it improves neuromuscular coordination and explosive strength, translating to movement efficiency during daily activities.
  3. Strength (20 minutes): This is the core of your workout, focusing on major lifts like squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, or dips. There are many valid exercises to consider focusing on (like Bulgarian split squat vs. seldom doing bilateral squats). This phase is crucial for building overall muscle strength, joint health and bone density. By targeting your specific structure and aesthetic goals, it also helps in sculpting your physique as a highly functional being.
  4. Functional Hypertrophy (15 minutes): Here, the emphasis is on controlled repetitions to maximize time under tension. This promotes protein synthesis and muscle turnover (hypertrophy and atrophy natural processes) and also enhances muscular endurance and stability. It’s great for improving the functionality of your muscles in real-life scenarios, becoming functionally aesthetic in the process.
  5. Metabolic Conditioning (5 minutes): This high-intensity finisher boosts your metabolic rate, leading to increased calorie burn long after the workout (afterburn effect — gotta love it!!). It’s excellent for cardiovascular health, improving overall fitness levels and being bang for the buck timewise.
  6. Recovery Cool Down (5 minutes): The final phase is about gradually lowering your heart rate and relaxing your muscles. Start with standing stretching and then emphasize the areas of stretching which may be specific for you or related to the movements practiced during the workout. Plus, it is also an opportunity to decompress, enjoy the feeling of accomplishment, and then carry on in your powerful embodiment.

Just get moving.

Ultimately, you must believe in yourself to practice intentional movement because with consistency, you may embody both resilience and power.

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Body Composition Fat Loss Fitness Physical Fitness by Dre Sports & Athletics

10 Benefits of Having Low Body Fat (Part 2)

Since the original post on this topic is one of the most viewed posts on this blog, I decided to expand on the benefits of having low body fat.

Before I begin, let me remind you that I do not believe in adhering to specific body types. Overall, my goal with this article is to reach a specific audience that is trying to get lean or values having low body fat. It is not my intention to reinforce specific body standards or shame anybody.

By, “low body fat,” I mean low relative to the rest of society. Really, anything under 22% for women and anything under 16% for men could be considered, “low,” even though it is in the healthy/athletic range.

So let’s just jump into it.

Top 10 Benefits of Having Low Body Fat:

1. You feel like you’ve accomplished something special.

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